Daryl Wright /     (2 mins)

As the title of this post indicates, I have moved back to New Brunswick from Manitoba. This explains the lack of updates on the site for a few months. The logistics involved in coordinating a move halfway across a country like Canada is no trivial task. I've thus had to put all Golden Path activity on hold until settled in my new home.

With that said, I haven't been completely inactive. I have been working on a few projects that will be the topic of new posts I will be releasing in this last quarter of the year. My work on the NoCMS tutorial will also continue. Below is a sneak peek of topics I will be covering in the near term:

  • Personal finance with plain text accounting
  • How to replace browser bookmarks with a Zettelkasten

I didn't initially announce my move to Manitoba last year. For context, I had started Golden Path while still living in New Brunswick, temporarily moved back to Manitoba for one year, then back to New Brunswick this year. The sequence of events that led to that logistical rigamarole is a story in and of itself and probably deserves its own series of posts. Someday, I might write about it, but my focus now is on continuing where I left off with ongoing and upcoming projects.

That's it for now. Keep checking back here for more content, new projects, and website enhancements.